
able a: be able [eɪbl]

мочь, быть в состоянии, уметь

I shall be able to come on Saturday.

Я смогу прийти в субботу.

He was not able to get there in time.

Он не смог попасть туда вовремя.

произношение русскими буквами произношение башкирскими буквами английское слово
[эйбл] [эйбл] able

Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding - A Scout must be able to estimate heights Peace, as strong as the Chinese at the hippodrome... will she also be able to swallow sabre blades?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 1, 1867 MET DP877681 Calving in Laos (8 of 9)